Apache Kafka in industrial environments – OPC and shopfloor connectivity in manufacturing with Thors

Apache Kafka as a standard communication protocol is used in a lot of different areas to manage versatile kinds of data streams and to connect diverse kinds of systems. More and more companies would also like to use Kafka in their industrial areas, e. g. to enable communication between their automation systems (OT) and their office systems (IT). This would be of high value to make production more effective, ensure product quality, and to be able to drive a condition based monitoring or predictive maintenance process.
OPC Router is a software based communication platform which enables connectivity between different kinds of systems – no matter if these systems speak OPC or other protocols...or if it is about connectivity between printers, RFID-systems, barcode readers, ERP, MES, etc. As OPC Router now also speaks Kafka, it is possible to connect Kafka to shopfloor systems. For example having an industrial PLC, printer or RFID-system connected to an ERP, MES, Cloud, database by using Kafka protocol.
In this MeetUp the OPC Router experts and developers will show you how you can extend your Kafka applications by connecting them to any other OT- and IT-system. The web session will feature some information about OPC Router, the Apache Kafka plug-in and a live demo of how to create easy data transfers just via drag & drop.
Slides: Slides: https://www2.slideshare.net/ConfluentInc/apache-kafka-in-industrial-environments/ConfluentInc/apache-kafka-in-industrial-environments
OPC Router is a software based communication platform which enables connectivity between different kinds of systems – no matter if these systems speak OPC or other protocols...or if it is about connectivity between printers, RFID-systems, barcode readers, ERP, MES, etc. As OPC Router now also speaks Kafka, it is possible to connect Kafka to shopfloor systems. For example having an industrial PLC, printer or RFID-system connected to an ERP, MES, Cloud, database by using Kafka protocol.
In this MeetUp the OPC Router experts and developers will show you how you can extend your Kafka applications by connecting them to any other OT- and IT-system. The web session will feature some information about OPC Router, the Apache Kafka plug-in and a live demo of how to create easy data transfers just via drag & drop.
Slides: Slides: https://www2.slideshare.net/ConfluentInc/apache-kafka-in-industrial-environments/ConfluentInc/apache-kafka-in-industrial-environments