Risk Management in Retail with Stream Processing with Daniel Jagielski | Warsaw Apache Kafka® Meetup

Every 2 seconds, another person becomes a victim of identity theft. The number of online account takeovers is constantly increasing. In this talk we'll show how stream processing was used to combat this for Tesco, one of Europe's largest retailers. The massive scale of e-commerce makes it an interesting target for malicious users. We implemented a risk-management platform built around Kafka and the Confluent Platform to detect and prevent attacks, including those that come through the website's authentication page.
Slides: https://www2.slideshare.net/ConfluentInc/risk-management-in-retail-with-stream-processing/ConfluentInc/risk-management-in-retail-with-stream-processing
Slides: https://www2.slideshare.net/ConfluentInc/risk-management-in-retail-with-stream-processing/ConfluentInc/risk-management-in-retail-with-stream-processing